Netflix Heartbreak High Premier
Providing security to the red carpet of the Australian hit show ‘Heart-break’ high, Reddawn ensured a stress free evening for the stars of the show and Netflix producers.

What we did
Risk Assessment and Venue Operational Review
With reputational risk, asset risk and personnel risk all placed at a high impact with no treatments, Reddawn undertook an in depth review of the Site, Event and Operations to ensure that any damages would be mitigated with appropriate treatment plans. The appropriate control measures were implemented for the Premier, allowing for a seamless event delivery with zero risk, safety, or security issues arising due to the advanced planning undertaken.
Event Access Control
As the hottest ticket of the season, mitigation of fraudulent or ungranted access to the venue became a key component of securities duties. With key placement of staff and tight enforcement of access control through entry tickets and accreditation, Reddawn maintained a complete closure of the site. With only authorised personnel gaining access to the event.
Close Personal Protection (CPP)
Ensuring the safety of show stars and Netflix producers, as well as the integrity of the Red Carpet access zones, was key to this event's successful delivery. An indepth briefing on attendees, arrival zones, management strategies and escorts was provided to the CCP team prior to the event. Ensuring the evening ran smoothly and that all media opportunities captured an exemplary event.
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The result
Through a targeted and analysed approach, Reddawn achieved a flawless event delivery with zero incidents and an exemplary client and customer experience.
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